Veteran Friendly Practice

Credas Medical is accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners as one which specialises in the care of military veterans and their families.
All the team have been trained in the care of military veterans and their families.
War Pension Scheme and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
If a patient receives War Pension Scheme or Armed Forces Compensation Scheme payments and are under the age of 60, they can request a war pension exemption certificate from Veterans UK.
A valid war pension exemption certificate entitles you to:
- Free NHS prescriptions for your accepted disability
- Free NHS wigs and fabric supports if they relate to your accepted disability
- Help with dental treatment, NHS travel costs, sight test, glasses or contact lenses if the treatment is for your accepted disability
Practices may wish to highlight in the patient's electronic clinical record and repeat medication prescriptions any accepted disability and therefore entitlement to free NHS treatment.